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Over at Singapore Buddhist Mission, we firmly believe in Buddhists being able to be successful and joyful in their endeavors while living the Dhamma and being supported by the Buddhist Community.


This is why we kickstarted the Buddhist Mentorship Programme, to invite practicing Buddhists to provide sound guidance to aspiring Buddhists who wish to be mentored.


  1. Empower Buddhists through mentoring in a practical and sustainable way to apply Dhamma into everyday lives.

  2. Building the fellowship of kalyana mitras to support our spiritual development, friendship to bring the best out of each other and thrive through life's challenges

  3. Practise the Noble Eightfold Path collectively, to strengthen our faith and commitment in applying the Dhamma to purify our mind, genuinely striving to be a better person


  • Buddhist, age from 25 - 45 years old, based in Singapore.

  • Have a committed and enthusiastic attitude towards the programme with keen interest to apply Buddha's teachings in life

  • Be willing to give back to SBM Fellowship Circle and the Buddhist community upon graduating from the mentoring programme


Aug 2024

Sep 2024


Oct 2024

Dec 2024

Apr 2025

Application Opens
Networking Event for Mentor

- Mentee Pairing
Mentoring Launch
Mid Point Check 
Mentorship Graduation

mentorship fees

There will be a SGD 88 fee for successful candidates, in which will contribute to the administration and organisation of the Buddhist Mentoring Programme.

For any enquiries, please email us at 

our mentors

Click on their pictures to find out more about them!

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